Will my microblading change colour over time?

April 28, 2023

Will my brow colour change over time?

As a cosmetic tattoo artist I often receive questions about whether the ink used in brow tattooing will change colour over time.

During your appointment your ink colour will be discussed and the colour chosen for your new brows will be based on your natural brow hair. Using a color that is too dark for your skin tone and hair may result in brows healing too ashy and looking obviously “tattooed”. It is important not to tint your brow hairs for at least three weeks prior to your appointment to allow us to choose the correct colour.

The inks I use are comprised of high-quality ingredients, have high lightfastness and concentration. However over time your brows will fade to a lighter version of the original colour.

To preserve the colour of your brows I strongly recommend using sunblock while in the sun and to minimize sun exposure on your brows as this will lead to colour changes in the brows over time. Lasers on treated areas can also cause the ink to discolour. Exfoliating and skin lightening products (chemical peels, alpha & beta hydroxy acids) promote ink loss and these products should be avoided on the treated area. Any form of topical Vitamin A should be avoided on the forehead altogether. Facial oils and natural skin oils on the forehead will result in blurred hair strokes over time.

When the ink is implanted with proper technique and aftercare instructions are strictly followed, expect high levels of colour retention in your brows.

Finally a colour boost is recommended every 1 ½ to 2 years to refresh the colour of your brows and update any changes to the shape you desire.