taking care of your brows

brow aftercare information

These activities may be resumed once the brows are completely done flaking: 
  • Increased sweating, exercise, strenuous activity
  • Keep dry (besides washing) until completely healed. Aka no scabbing or flaking left. Usually 10 days.
  • Clients still need to keep dry in the shower... steamy hot showers will cause the pores to open and scabs soften, so to be cautious, no extra steamy hot showers!! Avoid the water ESPECIALLY shampoo and conditioner running down
  • Getting your brows/forehead wet outside of instructed washing (shower/saunas/jacuzzies/recreational water)
  • Tanning bed use at any point after having brows tattooed will result in discoloration and premature fading.
  • Natural UVB/UVA rays pose risk of discoloration. When brows are done flaking, wearing an SPF will prevent discoloration and fading.
  • Always let estheticians know of any permanent makeup procedures before receiving peels, microneedling, microdermabrasion, or lasering services.
  • Do not pick at flaking or possible scabbing. This will pull the ink out permanently.
  • Wash hands prior to washing brows, and wash pillowcases to lower risk of infection.
  • Avoid Retin-A, retinol, vitamin A, or oils on forehead, this must be continued going forward to avoid muddy/grey brows. 
  • No lotion, non-gentle cleansers, or makeup should be applied to the brows until they are done flaking.

WHAT TO AVOID while healing

  • Day 1-4: One to two hours after your treatment, wash the area. Your therapist may recommend additional cleansing, please follow the advice given in your appointment. Each day repeat the cleansing and aftercare ointment procedure morning, noon and night, remembering to be as gentle as possible. 
  • Days 5-10: Stop washing and moisturising your brows. Use the supplied visor to prevent your brows getting wet when showering. Leave your brows completely alone. During this time your brows will most likely begin to flake. It is important not to wash the area or apply aftercare ointment and especially do not touch or pick at them - allow the skin to naturally flake off.  
  • Day 10: Any flaking or scabbing should have finished. At this stage the pigment may appear faded, don’t panic, the colour will slowly re-saturate. You may now recommence your normal cleansing and moisturising regime. If your brows after still scabbing you may wash them and apply some of your aftercare ointment to help soften the skin and recommence your normal routine.
  • Week 4-5: Congratulations – your brows should now be healed. The pigment will be settled and you will be able to see defined strokes. Your brow should be soft and natural looking.  
  • Week 6: You are ready for your touch-up appointment to perfect your new brows! 

What to expect

Microblading and Ombre techniques requires washing your brows 3 times daily for the first 4 days. Start the process 1-2 hours after your appointment by gently cleansing with lukewarm water and a mild cleanser, such as Cerave, Cetaphil, or Ponds — avoiding oil-based, charcoal-infused, acidic, bar soap, and micellar varieties. Massage lightly in circular motions, pat the area dry carefully, and follow up with a small rice-grain-sized application of the provided ointment. After completing the 4-day regimen, allow your brows to naturally flake without further washing or ointment application. Flaking may vary and is not indicative of the final results, which differ based on skin type, lifestyle, and maintenance. Results are not guaranteed as individual skin reactions can vary.


After treatment, it is normal to feel a sunburned sensation for a couple of days followed by dry, itchy, or tender skin. Brows will appear darker and bolder a few days after the appointment. During healing, they will lighten 30-40% and shrink in size. Healing process takes approximately 4-6 weeks. As your skin naturally exfoliates and regenerates, you will notice colour change, disappear, and reappear as they settle. Colour may flake off and appear softer and less visible but will slowly, reappear over the next few weeks.

This is all absolutely normal, and why two appointments may be necessary. Be patient and know that this is the part of the normal and expected healing process.